
Appointments of Non-Tenure Track Faculty may be for a term ranging from one year to up to eight years, except grant-funded faculty appointments may be for a term of one year to five years. As of July 1, 2023, appointments to a non-grant funded NTT faculty position, the first appointment shall be for a term of one year or greater, if reappointed, the second appointment shall be for a term of one year or greater. If reappointed a third time, the faculty member shall receive an appointment of not less than three years or greater. If reappointed a fourth term, the term is at least four years or greater. All appointments thereafter shall be for terms of at least five years and shall be presumptively renewable regardless of rank. This reappointment policy does not apply to grant-funded non-tenure track faculty. There is no limit to the number of non-tenure track faculty appointments an individual may receive, except for those faculty in a Lecturer title.

ROCS Posting Process

A ROCS posting will need to be created for the candidate to apply. Please see below for useful resources regarding the ROCS faculty posting. Once the Finalist is identified, this will also initiate the background check process. 

SAS Appointment Process 

An appointment letter will be generated via the NTT Appointment Portal. For new appointments, a CV and 3 letters of recommendations will need to be uploaded. Once the request flows throughout each approval process, a letter will be generated via the DocuSign system. The employee will need to sign both the offer letter and Faculty Employment Agreement (UPF-5) via DocuSign. The signed forms will be available for both the department and SAS HR via the NTT Appointment Portal.

After completion of a successful background check and signed offer letter, the candidate should contact the SAS Onboarding Team to complete the necessary new hire paperwork for all new NTT appointments. 

Reappointment Process

All Non-Tenure Track Faculty shall receive renewable contracts, contingent upon successful reappointment, with the exception of faculty in the Lecturer title, who shall be offered non-renewable contracts. Reappointment is subject to a continuing need for the position, adequate funding for the position, and a positive formal evaluation. Rutgers Policy 60.5.12 sets out the notice requirements for faculty holding renewable appointments. Per Policy 60.5.12, faculty holding appointments of one year or more must be given notice of non-reappointment, or of intention not to recommend reappointment as follows: four months prior to the expiration of the first year of academic service; seven months prior to the expiration of the second year of academic service; not later than twelve months in advance of the termination of the appointment in all other cases. If notice is not timely given, the contract will automatically be extended for a six month period. NTT faculty in grant-funded positions may be released prior to the end of the term if grant funding ends or is reduced during the term of the appointment. Under such circumstances the notice and six month extension requirements are not applicable.

A reappointment letter will be generated via the NTT Appointment Portal. For Reappointments, a CV and completed Short Form (with all signatures/approvals) will need to be uploaded to initiate the generation of the contract. The employee will need to sign both the offer letter and Faculty Employment Agreement (UPF-5) via DocuSign. The signed forms will be available for both the department and SAS HR via the NTT Appointment Portal. 

Reappointment Resources: 

If the payroll record is still active and continuous, Departments can enter the 'Request for Reappointment' in HCM by attaching the appropriate documents. 

SAS Contact Information

Jayla Jackson for Departments in Humanities and Social and Behavioral Sciences
Melissa Galati for Departments in Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Life Sciences and Centers
Kisha Phillips - Human Resources Manager


AAUP-AFT Agreement July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2022
AAUP-AFT Agreement July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026
Appointments, Reappointments and/or Promotions of Non-Tenure Track Faculty - May 12, 2023
Minimum Faculty Salary Schedule - May 12, 2023 
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Titles
NTT General Appointment/Reappointment Criteria 2024
Rutgers Policy 60.5.12