The University permits Faculty members on academic year appointments to receive approved summer compensation of up to 3/9ths their academic year salary, provided that:

(a) there is no conflict with the policies of the relevant funding agencies for externally funded grants and contracts, and
(b) there is approval by the faculty member's Dean or Director.

Similarly, calendar year appointees may receive up to 1/11th additional compensation. Should 3/9ths or 1/11th be paid to an academic year or calendar year faculty member respectively, they are obligated to forego any vacation for that year in which the compensation is paid.

SAS Process

For more information on Faculty Summer Compensation, you can visit the Office of Grant and Contract Accounting here.

For SAS specific questions regarding Summer Salary, please contact:

Tamara Pakela for Departments in Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Centers