Good afternoon,
As you know in the middle of the Fall 2018 semester class 8 appointments for non-exempt employees were terminated in HCM. In working with UHR we were able to have these appointments reinstated for the remainder of the Fall semester. In addition, we were able to appoint non-exempt employees to class 8 appointments for the Spring 2019 semester while UHR reviewed the process and policy regarding these appointments. Over the last couple of months, we have continued to work with UHR and the New Brunswick Chancellor's Office on this issue. Unfortunately, according to University Policy 60.3.14, non-exempt employees are ineligible to work an additional assignment.
Therefore, UHR will not authorize Class 8 appointments for non-exempt employees moving forward. They are citing continued risks associated with not paying non-exempt employees properly and in accordance with the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) minimums. As such, please plan accordingly for the coming semesters.
If you have any questions, please contact Dale Koznecki ( or 848-932-6442).
Karalyn A. Gallagher
Director of Human Resources
School of Arts and Sciences, Dean's Office