When: Thursday, April 28th from 12pm-1pm
Where: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/97335112344?pwd=K1lIUUZmb0RZSHpCOTdhQWlnQ2VUUT09
Summary: Before Covid (B.C.), we spent years discussing, and wrestling with, the challenge of work-life balance. But then, COVID came along and one thing was and continues to be clear - no employer nor worker was prepared for what took over the world in 2020, and its impact on organizations and people. As we move through "After Disruption" (A.D.), we have discovered different ways of getting work done but the challenges associated with this new era reflect the need for how we "show up" in the organization ("personal brand") and how we build work relationships ("social equity and "political equity"). This seminar will give you the opportunity to build your understanding and tools to successfully manage this emerging "world of work".
The session will be led by Patti Ippoliti, a business executive, consultant, and business professor with experience in business transformation, leadership coaching and development, and human capital. She will be talking about utilizing your personal brand in order to build social and political capital for your professional development.