Non-Aligned Performance Management End of Year Review

The Non-Aligned Performance Management End of Year Review is now open. The end-of-year review process allows managers and employees to meet and discuss the progress the employee has made throughout the year towards their performance and development goals. The End-of-Year Review process should be completed by June 30, 2022.

You will not be able to complete the End-of-Year Review if the employee’s goal plan has not been created in the system and approved by the Supervisor. For guidance on completing Goal Setting please visit the UHR Performance Management website and on the left side access the Goal Setting materials. Please remember that Managers must first “add” their non-aligned employees to their Team (steps to add Direct Reports included in the Goal Setting Process).

All non-aligned staff employees should update their Progress Notes in preparation for the End-of-Year Review. Please note once the Manager enters Ratings in an Employee’s Goal Plan, the Employee will no longer be able to add Progress Notes and Comments. Please review your Goal Plans (both Development and Professional) and provide Progress Notes (you may include attachments) that capture up-to-date status for each goal. Managers/Supervisors of Non-aligned staff employees are encouraged to establish and communicate a deadline by when the non-aligned staff on your team should complete their End of Year Review Progress Notes.

University Human Resources (UHR) has added some new features to the non-aligned performance management system including the ability for the manager/supervisor to receive a pdf of an employee’s Goal Plan (complete with Progress Notes and Comments). To receive the pdf – first navigate to the Goal Plans page (select Goal Plans from top Banner) then under My Team’s Goal Plans click on the employee’s FY2022 Goal Plan – on the screen that opens you will see the PDF of Goal Plan box near the top, Check the Box Generate a PDF of the Goal Plan and click Send. An email with the pdf will be sent to the Requestor’s email address. The manager/supervisor can then forward the email/pdf to the non-aligned employee (non-aligned employees cannot “print” their own FY 2022 Goal Plan).

As a Non-Aligned Employee:

You may access the End-of-Year Tutorials on the UHR Performance Management website and view the User End-Of-Year tutorial.

You may also access the End-of-Year Employee User Guide and End-of-Year Employee Review by clicking END-OF-YEAR from the column on the left side of the website Home page.

As a Manager of Non-Aligned Employee (s):

You may access the End-of-Year Tutorials on the UHR Performance Management website and view the Manager End-Of-Year tutorials and End-Of-Year Process Overview tutorials.

You may also access the End-of-Year Manager User Guide and End-of-Year Manager Review by clicking END-OF-YEAR from the column on the left side of the website Home page.

If you have any questions please email Rosemary Lane, .