Life Sci landing pg

The Division of Life Sciences coordinates, fosters, and integrates the instructional and research activities of a broad range of faculty with interests in the biological sciences. The principal units of the Division include four departments: Cell Biology and Neuroscience; Genetics; Kinesiology and Health; and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. The Division supports several universitywide research centers, including the W.M. Keck for Collaborative Neuroscience, the Stem Cell Program-HGINJ, and the Center for Exercise and Aging, and collaborates with the Center for Integrative Proteomics, Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, The Waksman Institute, the Statewide High Field NMR Facility, as well as the basic and clinical sciences departments of Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.

Our primary goal is to provide a high caliber of interdisciplinary teaching and research in the life sciences as we train the next generation of teachers, researchers, and healthcare professionals

Click here to visit the Division of LIfe Sciences Website

