Lecturer and Co-adjutant Definitions

Lecturer is a part-time employee hired to teach either: a full course (including a laboratory course) for one full semester or to teach a recitation section for a full semester, or at least two consecutive seven-week courses in a semester, and who performs services associated only with that course and is not otherwise Rutgers employee, such as preparation of syllabus, grading examinations and papers, and meeting students during assigned office hours.

Co-adjutants (also referred to as "Co-ads") are individuals who either teach during the academic year and are otherwise regularly appointed employees with a 50% or more Class 1 appointment, or individuals who teach less than a full semester during an academic year. Co-adjutant Non-Teaching Appointments are employees who do research and other non-teaching academic support duties when the individual is hired for less than a semester or for a full Fall or Spring semester. 

ROCS Posting Process

A ROCS posting will need to be created for the candidate to apply. Please see below for useful resources regarding the ROCS faculty posting. Once the Finalist is identified, this will also initiate the background check process. 

SAS Appointment Process

An appointment letter will be generated via the Lecturer/Coad Appointment Portal. Continuing our practice, class enrollment must be at least 15 and Graduate Course enrollment must be at least 5 before appointments will be approved. Exceptions will be made only with Division Dean approval. Once the request flows throughout each approval process, a letter will be generated via the DocuSign system. The employee will need to sign the offer letter via DocuSign. The signed forms will be available for both the department and SAS HR via the Lecturer/Coad Appointment Portal. Please have the employee complete the Oath or Affirmation (required for first time appointments) and Determination of Titles Worksheet and retain the originals in the department. You will be responsible for producing these forms when they are requested.

After completion of a successful background check and signed offer letter, the candidate should contact the SAS Onboarding Team to complete the necessary new hire paperwork. 

If this is considered a reappointment, the department can enter the Request for Reappointment in HCM by attaching the appropriate documents.

Spring 2024 Appointments

It is time to begin entering new Lecturer and Coadjutant appointments for Spring 2024. Please enter your submissions as early as possible in the Lecturer/Coad Appointment Portal.

Reminder highlights affecting Spring 2024 appointments:

  • The minimum base salary per credit is $2,596.
  • Continuing our practice, class enrollment must be at least 15 and Graduate Course enrollment must be at least 5 before appointments will be approved. Exceptions will be made only with Division Dean approval. Please hold in department queue until enrollment has been met or Division Dean approval has been obtained to run the course. Please upload email approval from Division Dean in the portal, if required.
  • Departments will submit spreadsheets to their DDA's to obtain approval for their part-time teaching and non-teaching appointments prior to moving forward in the portal.

Lecturer Advancement

Please visit the 'Lecturer Advancement Process' page for further details and relevant timeline.


Lecturer Notifications

In accordance with the Rutgers-PTLFC-AAUP-AFT Agreement (July 1, 2022-June 30, 2026), please see attached letter regarding the non-reappointment of Lecturers for Spring 2024.

Lecturer Evaluations

A Class Observation Report is required for first time Lecturers and those being considered for advancement.

As a reminder, the collective bargaining agreement states the  Appendix C - Evaluation Review Form needs to be completed for each semester for which the Lecturer has an appointment. Lecturers who are in their first semester teaching as a Lecturer at Rutgers University must receive a class observation, in addition to being evaluated via the SIRS or successor instrument. Sections A and B to be completed by the Lecturer. Sections C and D to be completed by the Department Chair.

The Lecturer should sign on the last page of the completed Appendix C to confirm receipt. Please send all signed Lecturer Evaluation Review Forms in one email to no later than July 1st for the Spring semester and February 1st for the Fall semester. One copy is to be sent to the Lecturer for each completed SIRS for that Lecturer.

If the evaluation results raise concerns with the Department Chair, either due to the numerical scores or the student comments, the Chair and/or Division Dean shall meet with the Lecturer before the end of the semester in which the Lecturer is teaching that class to discuss the concerns. If the Lecturer refuses to meet with the Chair and/or Division Dean, the University may rescind any future appointments for that Lecturer.

Lecturer Professional Development Fund

Lecturers are members of the AAUP-AFT and are covered by a collective negotiations agreement. One component of the agreement is the Professional Development Fund. The fund is administered by the Center for Teaching Advancement and Assessment Research. Only Lecturers with bargaining unit status shall be eligible to apply for money from this Fund

SAS Contact Information

Jayla Jackson for Departments in Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Math and Physical Sciences, Life Sciences and Centers
Kisha Phillips - Human Resources Manager


Lecturer-CoAd Appointment Portal Process
Determination of Titles Worksheet - June 2023 
Job Class Codes - October 2023
Oath or Affirmation- required for first time appointments
Multiple Assignment Matrix
Lecturer 50% Tuition Remission Application - 2024
Lecturer's Collective Negotiations Agreement 2022-2026
Lecturer Advancement Process 2023

School Administration Offices